Thursday, January 23, 2014

Self Image: Activity 1

1. Age/Generation: I'm a teenage girl and this picture portrays my generation because a lot of other teenage girl take selfies with each other and also we like to hang out and play on our phones a lot of the time.

2. Gender: I'm a female and they're sometimes depicted as lesser or weak than men but this picture is just saying that that's not necessarily true.
 3. Race: I'm white and being a white teenage girl comes with a lot of stereotypes. A lot of people make fun of "typical white girls".  
4. Religion: I guess if I had to pick a religion for myself it would be agnostic. which is basically you don't know if there's a God or not and don't really believe in any kind of religion. 

5. Class/Caste: I would consider myself middle class. I dont live in a enormous house and I can't just but expensive cars or absolutely everything I wanted ; but I live in a pretty big house and have everything I need and then some.

6. Personality: I would consider myself an Ambivert which is a balance between extrovert and introvert. I don't just talk all the time to everyone around me and I also don't just talk to nobody and keep to myself all the time. 

  7. Intelligence: I would consider myself pretty smart but I just don't have any work tactic and I'm lazy when it comes to school work. But I'm not a stupid person. 

8. Political persuasion: I don't have any particular political party. I think its just because I'm young though because I'm sure when I'm older I'll care, I just don't right now. 

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